The Conference Planning Committee will be made up of community members and board members, including a representative from each conference track. If you get involved you will attend regular conference call meetings (or, if you are not able to attend meetings, you can read the notes!), to touch base with the group and make sure the planning happens on time. You can get involved at the level of your own interest and capacity to participate! You might do any of the following:
- Plan meals at Nolose (eg. be in contact with caterers or food trucks, make a spreadsheet to track the needs of people who have dietary restrictions);
- Coordinate remote access for the conference—coordinate with accessibility committee and disability caucus to figure out our remote access plan, recommend equipment, and test logistics;
- Help with scheduling the tracks and workshops (a good choice for people who like puzzles!);
- Recruit and deploy volunteers before and during the conference;
- Coordinate with the communications committee to make sure announcements and information gets to the community;
- Help produce accessible print and electronic versions of the conference program;
This is a good way for our community to share our knowledge and skills and responsibility and power!
Contact rebecca [dot] gorelick {{at}} gmail dotttt com to get involved!
Also see Alex Gino’s call for volunteers!
And if committee work isn’t your thing, you can still get involved with planning and running the conference by volunteering more casually, fundraising, or participating in a track!
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