Would you like to submit a workshop proposal to NOLOSE 2015? This year workshops will be organized around tracks. Track leaders are collecting workshops proposals now, and they want to hear from you!
We are currently looking at hosting the following seven tracks in September:
BLACK INDIGENOUS AND PEOPLE OF COLOR Day and Track Workshop Form; deadline extended to Monday, Aug 3 at 5 pm
SUPERFAT Call For Proposals; deadline July 24th
TRANS AND GENDER NON-CONFORMING Call For Proposals; deadline July 14th
50+: contact Lynn Ellen at lemarcus @ lynnellen . com; proposal deadline July 27th
PARENTS AND CAREGIVERS: contact katie.tastrom @ gmail . com
DISABILITY JUSTICE: contact accessibility @ nolose . org
NOLOSE AS AN ORGANIZATION: contact shilomgeorge @ gmail . com
If you are interested in presenting a workshop that doesn’t align with one of the tracks above, contact rebecca.gorelick @ gmail . com
Our tracks are mostly in place for September, but if you have a track you think needs to happen, here’s the information to get in touch.
We invite the community to develop and lead programming centered on tracks that amplify the voices and meet the needs of historically marginalized Nolose community members, including but not limited to:
- Superfat folks;
- Disabled folks;
- People of Color;
- Older folks;
- Poor and/or working class individuals;
- Trans* community members;
- Rural people; and
- Parents and caregivers.
All Nolose community members will be welcome to attend any of the open program sessions and are welcome to switch between tracks and sample different tracks.
What do you think our community needs to achieve full, joyful liberation? Put together a proposal, send it to the conference planning committee, and make it happen! The board will work on matching up people who are interested in working on different issues or themes to run tracks, and we’ll help you.
Each track will be chaired by two people, and can be planned and led by as many people as you want! At least one track leader will agree to be on the Conference Planning Committee. It doesn’t have to be the same person going to all meetings, but if you trade off or sub out for each other, you’re responsible for keeping each other in the loop (with the help of our notes and emails) about what the committee is working on so all of the track leaders have a voice in the planning and scheduling of the conference programming and other logistical issues.
Track leaders will decide on the theme for their track, put out a call for workshop proposals to the community and/or develop their own workshops, and decide on the workshops and sessions they want to prioritize for their track, as well how long they need the track’s programming to be (two two-hour sessions? A half-hour-long program? Something else?). And track leaders will make sure that workshop leaders have the information they need to run their workshops, including when the board is running accessibility trainings and facilitation workshops, and where and when they’ve been assigned to have their track’s programs.
INTERESTED? Do you have a half-formed idea that you want help fleshing out, or a burning vision for a fabulous set of workshops?
Contact Becka at rebecca dot gorelick at gmail with general questions or half-baked ideas, or fill out the form below.
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