FULL SCHEDULE IS HERE: https://nolose2015.sched.org/.
You can also access the online schedule on your phone at http://nolose2015.sched.org/mobile.
Bookmark it on your phone! Create a free account and save your personal schedule for offline viewing. You can view and connect with other attendees. Maps and more info to come soon on the app, as well.
PDFs of the map, schedule, and large and standard size print versions of the program are here:
Here is a run-down summary of the schedule:
Friday, from noon until 9pm, is the BIPOC day. While we have not been able to book the entire motel, and white community members will be checking in during the day, the banquet room and conference rooms and lounges will be open to Black and indigenous people and people of color only, and we ask white community members to respect the space.
Friday evening, from 9PM on, will be open to our whole community for a nominal cost. We’ll have open swim hours and a community dance. The lounges and conference room will be reserved as space for participants in the BIPOC day to decompress and continue to have BIPOC-only space.
Anti-Racism Workshop
Saturday morning will kick off early with an eye-opening and invigorating workshop and discussion for white Nolose community members and other allies, focused specifically on anti-racism work by and for non-POC allies. POC community members will convene separately to finalize next steps and actions identified in Friday’s discussions.
Saturday will have programming and our community dinner, performances, and the fashion show! During the day, in addition to the anti-racism workshop, Saturday will have whatever programming that the tracks will support. The lounges will be open on Saturday and Sunday. For our community dinner, we are prioritizing fat BIPOC and/or queer and/or trans caterers.
Sunday will also have programming and a Black & Indigenous artist panel & presentation. We’ve heard your feedback and agree that we need to change the way we end the conference, so we will have a report-back from the People of Color Caucus, the Superfat Caucus, the Trans Caucus, the Working Class Caucus, and the Sick and Disabled Caucus, and then we will have a closing ceremony. Because of the holiday weekend we have more freedom to have Sunday programming run later during the afternoon, so we are planning on spending the rest of the afternoon on focused networking and planning for next year’s Nolose programming, sustainability, and conference! Sunday will be a great opportunity for people interested in planning, for example, a livestreamed online conference, for people interested in planning the next year’s in-person conference in the South or Midwest to meet up in person, for the leaders of the tracks to check in with the folks who are excited to keep the conversation going, for all of us to dream big and make our glorious plans for the future!
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