Beloved Nolose community, There WILL be a 2015 conference. You will have six months to save and plan to attend, and we will let you know the time and date as soon as we have signed a contract with the venue. We do not, as a rule, announce the date or location until our contract… Continue reading » 2015 Venue Update–Details TBA
Volunteers Needed for Venue Scouts’ Meeting
Call for volunteers: At our Venue Scouts’ Meeting on January 4 (3pm EST/noon PST), we have a volunteer note-taker who will be typing the proceeds of the meeting into google docs, and our facilitator will keep an eye on the chat room for comments/questions, but we would love to have at least one person acting… Continue reading » Volunteers Needed for Venue Scouts’ Meeting
Venue Scouts’ Meeting January 4, 2015
Are you interested in having Nolose come to your neck of the woods? We’ve been working hard to find a venue that meets the needs of our conference and our attendees. After listening to the feedback our community has given us we’ve got a pretty specific list of requirements. Most of all, we’re looking for… Continue reading » Venue Scouts’ Meeting January 4, 2015
Apply for a SPAL grant!
Nolose is offering grants of <$100-$1000 to support projects that expand the reach of fat queer activism. In past years, SPAL projects have included day conferences in New York and Boston, a roller-skating party in Philadelphia, a fat clothing flea in Austin, and Flabulous!, an evening of drag, cabaret, and burlesque in San Francisco. We’ve… Continue reading » Apply for a SPAL grant!
Co-President Elaine Lee
The Nolose Board of Directors is delighted to announce that we have elected Elaine Lee to join Rebecca Gorelick as Board Co-President. Elaine Lee is a patent lawyer and computer engineer by training, a New Yorker by birth, a loyal Badger fan by upbringing, and a Californian by choice. Elaine was born with a curious… Continue reading » Co-President Elaine Lee
Our next event
Our next event will be announced soon! Stay tuned!
Announcement About Nolose’s Tax Exempt Status
Nolose is temporarily not a Federal 501(c)(3) Income Tax Exempt organization. Nolose’s status as a California non-profit public benefit corporation has been suspended as well. We are currently resolving the situation. In the interest of transparency, we are letting you know what our legal status is and what that means for our community. Please see… Continue reading » Announcement About Nolose’s Tax Exempt Status
Big Fat Thanks for the Big Fat Flea NYC!
Two weekends ago, New York City was home to the Big Fat Flea, an all-genders fatshion rummage sale and fat community event that benefited Nolose. The BFF brought almost 400 people together, from the Eastern Seaboard and beyond, to an accessible space at the NYU Law School in Manhattan. In a spacious and beautiful room… Continue reading » Big Fat Thanks for the Big Fat Flea NYC!
2013 In-Person Board Meeting Agenda!
The Nolose board will be meeting from Friday, November 15 until Monday, November 18, 2013, to plan for the next year and focus on restructuring Nolose so we can continue to support vibrant fat community in a way that’s sustainable and accessible for our whole board, and for the diverse people who will serve on… Continue reading » 2013 In-Person Board Meeting Agenda!
Participate in Nolose remotely!
Here’s how to participate in the community conversations. READ THE NOTES ON THE CONVERSATIONS AS THEY’RE HAPPENING: We will have a volunteer typing notes on the conversation into a google document as it’s happening. (If you type at least 80wpm and would like to volunteer for this job, contact sarah dot doherty dot nolose at… Continue reading » Participate in Nolose remotely!
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