Two weekends ago, New York City was home to the Big Fat Flea, an all-genders fatshion rummage sale and fat community event that benefited Nolose. The BFF brought almost 400 people together, from the Eastern Seaboard and beyond, to an accessible space at the NYU Law School in Manhattan. In a spacious and beautiful room decorated with fat pride affirmation, hot fatties helped each other find affordable clothes that made them look and feel fabulous!
The BFF sales of flabulous fatshion were bigger and fatter this year than ever before, with 100% of the proceeds to benefit Nolose. These profits will help directly fund Nolose’s conference scholarships, financial aid, and programs like Fatties In Flight (which reimburses people who are forced at the last minute to buy an extra seat to get to our conference) and the POC Travel and Lodging Fund. Last year the Big Fat Flea helped raise money for us to give away nearly $15k in financial aid, discounts, and scholarships, subsidizing over 88% of our conference attendees, and we hope to be able to give even more financial aid for our next conference in 2015!
Nolose would like to give a huge shout out and much gratitutde to our amazing Big Fat Flea core organizers, Lauren Jones, Tania Lee, Megan Moore, Tara Shuai, and Rebecca Weinberger, as well as dozens of other volunteers who donated their sweat, muscle, time, car mileage, and skills to put on the most successful Big Fat Flea ever. Your work was outstanding! And big fat thank yous to everyone who showed up, shopped, and supported fat queer community!
If you’re feeling inspired by the Big Fat Flea and you want to throw a Big Fat FUNdraiser where you are, contact
Big Fatshion Love!
The Nolose Board
Becka Gorelick, Sarah Doherty, Amithyst Fist, Alex Gino, Rachel Kacenjar, Elaine Lee, and Amy Ongiri
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