The Nolose fundraising committee is excited and delighted by the enthusiasm the community has shown in organizing a variety of FUNdraisers for our free, first-ever Black Indigenous and People of Color-only programming day on Friday September 4, 2015. Our community already had clothing sales, meals, art projects, and a mermaid birthday party, and more to come. ( And we are realizing that our community and our goals are WAY TOO BIG for one weekend!!
So, we are turning this past FUNdraising Weekend into a FUNdraising SEASON. Anytime between now and Nolose (September 4-6, 2015 in Oakland), we hope you’ll host a gathering, event, or fundraiser of some sort. It doesn’t need to be big, and it doesn’t need to raise tons of cash. We at Nolose love microdonations. Every $1 donation brings community together to support ourselves and each other, and helps Fatlandia continue to arise.
Plus, think of the fun you’ll have! Potlucks! Bubble fests! Candy tastings! Book swaps! Picnics! Pool parties! Ice cream socials! Make out soirees! Game nights! No event too small. Of course, if you’re a walls-a-shakin’ house party throwing expert, by all means go for it.
In-person not your thing? Chat room discussions are great! So are coordinated movie viewings with hashtag commentary! At-home-pajama-dance-parties! And sales, whether it’s something you made or something you have that’s ready for a new owner.
Just gather your friends, and at some point, let them know a little about Nolose, if they don’t already, and pass the hat (bra, bucket, pizza box) to collect funds. You can also set people up for one-time or recurring donations at
The event doesn’t have to center around Nolose, or fat activism, (though we suspect anything you flabulous folks do will be fat-tastic!) And attendees don’t need to consider themselves Nolose community members. FUNdraisers are a great way to reach out to other connections you have. Also, if there’s anyone in your life who might want to dip their elbow into fat positivity, consider inviting them!
We are happy to chat with you and support you along the way, especially in the often awkward process of asking for money. Fundraising is like flirting – it’s nerve-wracking but important, and if you do it well, it’s a compliment and an invitation to connect, even if the person says no. Just contact us at fundraising at nolose dot org.
Also, look for an crowdsourced campaign online this month, June 2015!
Note: We need to raise around $10K to make BIPOC day happen. Any funds that Nolose receives in excess of what is needed for Friday’s programming will be applied to financial aid and scholarship programs, including the BIPOC travel and lodging fund and the Fatties in Flight program, which reimburses folks who are charged for a second airline ticket on their trip to Nolose.
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