Hello, Rad Fat Folk!
Nolose wants to help build fat queer and trans community, and is accepting applications from folks and organizations that need a financial boost to get projects off the ground. We could use your help in spreading the word about these $100 to $1,000 grants to your online and offline communities.
Get all the info about how to apply by May 31, 2019!
If you’re not planning to apply but would like to help review SPAL applications and make recommendations for funding, we’d love the help! It’ll take about 20 hours across June and July 2019.
To volunteer, email [email protected] by May 31, 2019!
If you’d like to make a donation to increase the pot of money we have for SPAL funding, you can donate here – http://nolose.org/get-involved/donate/
Thanks so much!
The Nolose SPAL Admin Folks (Cicely, Sally, Sarah)
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